insideSUSSEX Magazine Issue 24 - February 2017 | Page 74


La Touche Beauty ...


Ahh , February – the month in the year most associated with love and romance . Each year on 14th February , people all around the world exchange cards , gifts and flowers with their special ‘ valentine ’, which is where the memorable day gets its name ; dating way back to the 5th century , the celebration contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition and is named after a Christian martyr , Saint Valentine .
Valentine ’ s Day gives us all a wonderful excuse to shine , sparkle and look our very best for our loved one , and for others it opens up the opportunity to invite a special someone into our lives .
With love in the air , La Touche Beauty would like to invite Saint Valentine into their Lindfield salon , so , commencing on 1st February and running right up until 29th February , the salon is offering the following treatments – all of which will be administered with love by the expert La Touche team :
• A Deluxe Anti-Aging Package combining Guinot ’ s fantastic ‘ Age Summum Facial ’ with an additional relaxing back , neck and shoulder massage . The £ 95 treatment has a duration of 90 blissful minutes , plus you will receive a complimentary Guinot ‘ Youthful Beauty Collection ’ gift worth £ 46 . The results are guaranteed to leave you feeling renewed and ready for romance .
• Stuck in a makeup rut ? You may like to consider a makeup lesson with one of the salon ’ s professional artists . Lessons are priced at £ 25 and are fully redeemable against the purchase of two or more products .
• If you are not quite ready to take the treatment plunge and baby steps are all that ’ s required , then why not try this for size – an elegant new red or pink nail polish , lipstick or blush from only £ 8 .
The results of all of La Touche ’ s treatments will leave you feeling loved , cherished and valued , which in turn should give you an inner glow to attract your special valentine and fill your day with romance .