insideSUSSEX Magazine insideSUSSEX Restaurant Guide 2017 | Page 32


“ Dining here al fresco is one of life ’ s pleasures .” – Hardens
Nestled in the heart of the Borde Hill Estate on the outskirts of Haywards Heath , Jeremy ’ s Restaurant provides that perfect combination of a country idyll matched by creative cuisine .
Ingredients are of the highest quality ; produce is sourced as locally as possible , herbs , lavender and wild garlic are grown in the garden and Jeremy ’ s is particularly proud of their relationships with many of the local independent producers .
Regular forays abroad to the gastronomic regions of Spain , France and recently Sweden also result in exciting new ideas and flavours being added to the menus , and a wine list comprising an eclectic selection of reds , whites , rose , sweet and Champagnes from independent producers and wineries .
Menus change on a daily basis and include a Daily Menu , £ 20 for 2-courses and £ 25 for 3-courses as well as a la carte , seasonal menus and a Degustation on the first Tuesday of every month , all being great culinary challenges for Jeremy ’ s kitchen , led by head chef Jimmy Gray . Regular events include jazz , wine dinners and garden BBQs and the restaurant is a popular venue for weddings , parties and corporate events , whether in the main restaurant or the beautiful garden marquee .
In this time-precious age , Jeremy ’ s can email the lunch menu to you , allowing you to return your choices by 12 noon on the day of your reservation and Jeremy ' s will fast track your order .
Jeremy and his wife Vera , who runs the adjacent Café Elvira , together with their team have a heart-felt , genuine affection for their customers , both new and those who have followed them their culinary journey in Sussex over the last thirty or so years .
Borde Hill , Borde Hill Gardens , Haywards Heath , West Sussex RH16 1XP
01444 441102 reservations @ jeremysrestaurant . com www . jeremysrestaurant . com Jeremy ’ s Restaurant Jeremysrest