INSIDER Spring 2019 | Page 15

Insider Opinion Why do we still care about the Royals? If you frequent the news, mainly news apps, you’ll notice that there will always be at least one or two articles about the royal family: Meghan Markle, Meghan Markle’s baby, Kate Middleton, Kate Middleton’s 400 th vacation of the month with her darling family. It’s always filled up with random news about the royals, and I ask…why do we even care anymore? While they are the figure heads of our country, and many say they still bring in a good por- tion of tourism, I can’t help but wonder why we still care so much for the Royal Family. For a start the royals don’t even have much power over our country, aside from a few du- ties. In terms of the law and politics the Queen is not sup- posed to have a political stance and cannot participate in vot- ing, the Queen also does not create laws. Instead, when Par- liament goes to pass a law a process called Royal Assent happens where the Queen gives the laws a stamp of approval, though the power is in her hands to stamp it no law has even been rejected since 1707. On top of this the only other power she has is to dismiss and select a new Prime Minister, beyond these two duties most of what the royals do is to turn up to and host events. We hold a lot of admiration up to these people who don’t even do much for the country aside from simply being figure heads, and with the marriage of William and Kate, as well as Harry and Meghan, the royals have turned into the topic of gossip and are like a soap opera. see Emma herself or person- ally visit her to express re- morse. After news surfaced of the crash, with Phillip not wearing his seat belt and many people saying the crash was his fault due to his reck- lessness when driving, he has not faced any legal repercus- sions! His solicitor even said he could avoid prosecution if he hands over his license. So The car crash Prince Phillip was in what did he do? He handed over his license…and that was that. No consequences Let me ask you a question, if some lady down the for his actions. If that was one of us, we’d be facing road from you got pregnant, or decided to spend time in court. half term taking her kids swimming, would you care? If not, why do we care so much when this happens to one of the royals? Recently in the news While I understand that many I’ve seen tons of articles talking about Meghan’s people do like the royal fami- baby, the ‘drama’ between Meghan and Kate, and ly and don’t see anything other gossip regarding the two, but none of it has wrong with them, I personal- any significance. If you yourself are interested in ly feel as if they are too over- the royals and like them, then that’s great! Person- ly glorified within the media, ally, however, in my eyes the royals are simply and in general, and I wonder just very privileged rich people that many people why so many people hold over glorify in the media. them up with such high re- gard. One thing about the royals that annoy me is that due to their status and riches they don’t face as strict punishment for things they do as us common folk would; just look at Prince Phillip’s car crash. Firstly, even though Phillip had apologised to the victim of the crash, Emma Fairweather says she has yet to receive any apology or compensation from Prince Phillip. Even if Phillip released a pub- lic apology, it’s still ridiculous that he won’t even The College magazine online: