insideKENT Magazine Issue 60 - March 2017 | Page 16

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How do we prepare children for jobs that don ’ t exist yet ?

None of us knows today what the world is going to require of us tomorrow . But some of us are keeping an extremely close eye on things .
At Sevenoaks School , many of the skills that will be called for in the future are embedded in our curriculum now .
Critical thinking for instance , is exercised here daily from the start . So is complex problem solving .
With one eye firmly trained on the world beyond our gates , we equip all our students with the skills they will need to reshape it .
So if sixty per cent of roles have yet to be invented *, Sevenoaks alumni will be ready to take them on when they are .
www . sevenoaksschool . org
* The Future of Jobs report , World Economic Forum . Potential jobs listed include : Space Pilot , Recycling Enforcer , Nano-medic , Memory Augmentation Surgeon , Hydroponic Farmer , Graphene Engineer , Experimental Food Developer , Ethical Hacker , Climate Change Reversal Specialist , Avatar Manager / Virtual Teacher