insideKENT Magazine Issue 50 - May 2016 | Page 21

What is art? Ask that question One painting can have a thousand meanings. One sculpture can be looked at a hundred ways. One photograph can stir up feelings from dozens of memories. in a room full of people and you will likely get a different answer from each one of them. That’s the most wonderful thing about it; art is different for everyone. Art has been a part of humanity since the earliest times, since cavemen daubed on rocky walls, and it has evolved and changed over many hundreds of thousands of years to strike a chord with the people of the time in which it is created. But art has a magical quality which also makes it timeless, which is why when we look at the art created by medieval painters, Renaissance sculptures, or Victorian photographers, we often find ourselves struck by the 21 emotions that the artist intended us to feel all along. We are so lucky to have art around us wherever we go in its many different and awe-inspiring forms. Our county is full of the most talented and interesting artists who create their art to intrigue, to entertain, to amuse, to spark debate, and to make the world a more beautiful place. Whatever the reason behind the art, and however we feel about it, there’s no denying that life without art would be a very dull thing indeed.