insideKENT Magazine insideKENTRestaurantGuide2018 | Page 3

Welcome to the 2018 insideKENT RESTAURANT GUIDE Foreword by Stephen Piddock It’s a privilege to be asked to write the forward for the 2018 insideKENT Restaurant Guide, a publication which showcases some of the fantastic restaurants we now have across the county. I was born and raised in Kent, and although I have travelled throughout my career, Kent has always been my home and working at the Marquis at Alkham has given me the perfect platform to showcase some of the fantastic produce right here on our doorstep. Kent boasts some of the finest suppliers in the country and over the years I have built solid relationships with them and continue to support them and trust them to deliver great produce day after day. Their passion for their work and commitment to going above and beyond at times makes my life as a chef that much easier, and encourages all of the great chefs across Kent to do justice to the fantastic produce we’re provided with. The Kent restaurant scene continues to improve year on year, and the variety and diversity of the food now available is great to see; we have some fantastic chefs who have opened new restaurants in Kent alongside restaurants that have stood the test of time and remain at the top of their game. Dining has changed so much in the 22 years I’ve been cooking – I believe for the better – eating out is more accessible and affordable, so the challenge for chefs is to keep evolving and embracing the latest trends, something I personally relish and look forward to exploring in greater depth this year. Stephen Piddock Head Chef The Marquis marquisalkham marquisatalkham themarquisatalkham 3