insideKENT Magazine Issue 76 - July 2018 | Page 169

What can you do for insideKENT readers? We provide the most intuitive, immersive and reassuring experiences there are when it comes to looking after both the pennies and the pounds. I hope that a few readers who see this article will come and see us and see how we can help them – we typically deal with families that are likely to incur Inheritance Tax, or have out of the ordinary financial affairs that need a great deal more than just the basics. We cover everything you would expect of a leading wealth management practice, but have found recently that a larger number of property developers and investors have been seeking our advice than usual. What’s your opinion on the current economic state of the world? I’ve been asked this question just about every working day for the last 25 years, and the honest answer is that thinking can be dangerous. My view is that the economics of the world have been in a perpetual state of flux since the simplest form of tribal bartering began, we’ve just became more numerate and creative with the currency, so in short I’m saying it doesn’t really matter what the current state is. However, I would describe the feelings at the moment as cautious, but on balance little to choose between the half-fulls and half-empties. This may sound flippant and in a way it is, but wealth management is about accepting that you cannot predict the future; you’ve probably heard of the FTSE, our local stock exchange...despite all the conjecture and forecasts, the truth is that all we know with any degree of certainty is: • it opens on weekdays at 8am and closes at 4.30pm. • some days it goes up, and on others it falls. • historically the trend has been upwards, although there are dips in between. Of course past performance is not reflective of future performance. Beyond this, nobody knows anything, furthermore, if anybody suggests they do, I would urge extreme caution. Our approach to looking after our clients is to be prepared for the unexpected and always having a contingency plan for it. What’s the most rewarding aspect of your job? When a client just ‘gets it’ and then, as a result, goes on to make really good decisions when all we have done is simply make the complicated understandable and given them confidence. Our world seems to perpetually seek to confuse its users and it is so rewarding to undo this for people and they comment on it all of the time, one of the most common phrases we hear being: “For the first time, I get it… I feel safe.” You will probably know somebody who deals with us; perhaps ask them about what they think too. What are your passions? Number one is to only ever do the right thing by my conscience and to never have any regrets in this regard in every walk of my life. I have none yet. Personal passions are finding ways to allow all of my children to make their own way in the real world and without the ‘need’ for me. Beyond the love of your family, deep down there is no better feeling than this. Making sure that everybody in my world is appreciated for what makes them great and empowered to be ‘life successful’ using whatever their ‘great’ is. I also like to help them avoid dwelling on or toiling to change their less great attributes. Believing in people more than they do and seeing how they grow, and finally finding new more efficient and effective ways of doing things using only the tools in front of us. The value of an investment with St. James's Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select and the value can therefore go down as well as up. You may get back less than you invested. The levels and bases of taxation and reliefs from taxation can change at any time. The value of any tax relief depends on individual circumstances. The Partner Practice represents only St. James’s Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) for the purpose of advising solely on the group’s wealth management products and services, more details of which are set out on the group’s website at The ‘St. James’s Place Partnership’ and the title ‘Partner Practice’ are marketing terms used to describe St. James’s Place representatives. 169