insideKENT Magazine Issue 83 - February 2019 | Page 124

RANDOM ACTS OF kindness CONT. FRIENDS AND FAMILY KINDNESS Text someone ‘good morning’ and start their day with positivity; make a handmade card, send a postcar d or gift an inspirational book that you think they’d enjoy. Write down a friend or family member’s best qualities and tell them what they are, or create a ‘why we love you’ jar and fill it with notes about what makes them great, one for every week or every day. Write your partner a list of everything you love about them, or leave ‘I love you’ or ‘have a great day’ post-it notes on a pillow, car seat or in a lunch box for your partner or children to find. Create an appreciation day for your family member – have a day that celebrates everything you love about them, and they get to do their favourite things, eat their favourite dinner or go to their favourite place. Spend time with y our elders – reminisce, map out your family tree and write down their memories. 124 Create a scrapbook and then gift it to someone in the family or create a care package, perhaps to a relative who is poorly, just started university or a new job, or a friend who has moved abroad. On Mother’s / Father’s Day, c heck in with those who have suffered a bereavement, contact someone y ou ha ven’t seen in a while and arrange to meet face to face, or send flowers or a card for no reason. Cook a meal or go and do someone’ s housework or laundry or bake a cake – all the more perfect if they’ve just had a baby or have been ill, and offer to babysit (for free). Help a friend to get active and send daily motivation; try and make a loved one laugh every day; tell a joke, share a meme, send a picture. Create a new kindness generation, inspire your children to be kind, purchase gifts for someone less fortunate, donate toys and books to charity or the local hospital and join in charity or school fundraisers. WORK KINDNESS Bake a cake or bring in doughnuts, or fruit for your colleagues. Keep an extra umbrella at work to loan when it rains. Refrain fr om interrupting when someone else is speaking and take someone out for lunch rather than just eating lunch at your desk. Talk to someone y ou haven’t spoken to before and ask their name; learn something new about a coworker, and refer back to an interest, event or family member at another date. Spread positivity, send an encoura ging email, endor se a skill or lea ve a positi ve recommendation on Link edIn, compliment a colleague to their face, or better yet, tell it to their boss, and compliment your own boss too! Offer your skills, experience or time, tutor a colleague, lead a CPD session, mentor a new member of staff or start an office fundraiser for charity.