Insaan Group _ Annual Reports INSAAN ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | Page 27

Aligned with its focus on catalytic philanthropy, Insaan is assessing a potential social investment into Blue Ventures in Madagascar, a social enterprise that helps coastal communities increase and/or diversify their livelihoods with new forms of sustainable income through eco-tourism, aquaculture, and renegotiation of supply chain engagements.

Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world, with a population of over 26 million and is one of the poorest countries in the world based on the 2018 United Nations’ Human Development Index rankings (it ranks 161 out of 189 countries). The fisheries sector represents about 7% of its GDP and the fishery communities along the south-west coast (around Toliara) are facing challenges from over-fishing and competition from predatory foreign companies, as well as opportunities to design marine conservation strategies focused on new methods, products, markets and local governance initiatives.

Blue Ventures (Pipeline)

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