Innovation Issue MADE Magazine | Page 55

MADEXXX MADEINC 1. it’s going to cost you. And I’m not just talking about money either. Yes, you have to spend money to make money. Yes, you have to be willing to invest in yourself before you can convince someone else to do the same. But that’s not all being an entrepreneur is going to cost you, though. In addition to money, it’s going to cost you friends (more on that later). It’s going to cost you energy. And it’s going to cost you a lot of time. I know we live in this “microwaveable” age in which everything seems to happen instantly. But make no mistake about, any success worth having will not happen overnight. You’re going to have to be in it for the long haul if you want to be a successful entrepreneur. without stepping outside of your regularly scheduled programming? You can’t. The bottom line comes down to this: if you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten. Period. So if you don’t want to go further than where you are now due to fear or whatever else that has you bound, you might as well hang it up now because the entrepreneurship thing is clearly not for you. 3. You can’t do it all by yourself. Say it with me, “I cannot do it all by myself. I cannot do it all by myself. I cannot do it all by myself. I cannot do it all by myself. I cannot do it all by myself. I cannot do it all by myself.” And even with all the costs associated with being an entrepreneur, the one thing it should never cost you is your happiness. If it does, you’re doing it wrong. 2. It requires that you leave your comfort zone – all the time. Comfort zones are dangerous. They enable us to make excuses for our lack of productivity and ultimately prevent us from becoming the better version of ourselves. Whether you like it or not, the world around us is always changing. Evolving. Growing. That’s why entrepreneurship and comfort zones can’t coexist – because one is rooted in difference and the other is rooted in sameness. You think the entrepreneurs you look up to stay within their comfort zones? They don’t. You think you can push boundaries and do impactful work INNOVATION ISSUE 55