Ingenuity State of the Arts Report 2016-17 Ingenuity_SOTA_2016-17 | Page 9

Visit artlookmap . com for a variety of data on the arts education environment at individual schools
As in previous years , the report also presents a picture of funding for arts education . And for the first time this year , the report presents data on specific types of arts discipline offerings , such as band , hip hop dance , photography , and poetry . The report concludes with a review of progress made on the CPS Arts Education Plan .
While this report is primarily a review of 2016 – 17 , it also provides an opportunity to look forward . Beginning in 2017 – 18 , Ingenuity will rely more heavily on CPS administrative data and will explore adjustments to the metrics that are at the core of the CSC rubric . Both moves are designed to improve our understanding of the arts education environment in CPS and to make the CSC better at communicating valuable insights about schools ’ arts programs . By presenting such insights and school-specific data in this report and on artlookmap . com , Ingenuity aims to provide resources to families and students who are seeking high schools with particular opportunities in the arts .
Ingenuity is indebted to the hundreds of Arts Liaisons , CPS instructors , community arts partners , and funders who contribute data to this report and work tirelessly to impact positive change in the field of arts education . This report offers stakeholders the opportunity to reflect on the past five years , identify steps to enact progress toward reaching goals of the Plan , and ultimately recognize the impact of collective work in bringing the arts to every CPS student .
Guitars Over Guns PROGRESS REPORT | 2016 – 17