Ingenuity State of the Arts Report 2016-17 Ingenuity_SOTA_2016-17 | Page 54

COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS A CLOSER LOOK: SINGLE-YEAR PARTNERSHIPS VS. RECURRING PARTNERSHIPS A healthy partnership between a school and a community arts organization can play an important role in increasing arts education opportunities for students and enhancing the overall arts education environment in a school. While partners cannot replace the important consistent instruction provided by certified arts instructors, partners can bring additive experiences, ideas, and resources to the school that may not otherwise be available to its students. Simultaneously, a healthy arts education environment in a school often leads to more—and more successful—partnerships. Full-time certified arts instructors are key to student arts access, well beyond their instruction. As the chart below illustrates, since the first year the Creative Schools Survey was conducted, the higher a school rates on the CSC—a measure with staffing at its core—the more partnerships with community arts organizations those schools tend to have. 32 When a school has demonstrated an investment in the arts through staffing, minutes of instruction, access to arts courses, and offering sequential arts instruction in multiple disciplines, that school is also more likely to seek outside resources that can add to what they are already providing. SCHOOLS RATED HIGHER ON THE CSC TEND TO HAVE MORE PARTNERSHIPS 7.5 5 2016–17 2.5 School CSC Score 1—Excelling 2—Strong 3—Developing 4—Emerging 5—Incomplete 54 SCHOOL YEAR The duration and extent of these relationships between schools and community arts organizations may also play an important role in reinforcing the value that partnerships bring to schools. When an arts partner is able to be part of a school environment over multiple years, the students and staff at the school come to know more about what to expect from that partner and may be able to adapt their work to take further advantage of what the partner has to offer. On the community arts partners side, a long-standing relationship may help that partner better know the needs of a school and its students, giving them insights that can help them adapt and improve upon their curriculum. Differentiating a program in even subtle ways can have important benefits for schools, students, and partners. INGENUITY | STATE OF THE ARTS 32 A similar analysis that focuses on the number of program types offered rather than the number of partnerships yields comparable results.