Ingenuity State of the Arts Report 2016-17 Ingenuity_SOTA_2016-17 | Page 30

THE ARTS IN CHICAGO PUBLIC SCHOOLS STAFFING 10 Certified arts instructors are essential to schools providing a strong arts education, and make it possible for a school to provide its students with quality arts opportunities. 11 They not only provide arts instruction, but also advocate for the arts within their schools, organize parent s and community arts partners around arts opportunities outside the regular curriculum, and often help instructors in other subject areas enhance their teaching through arts integration. In many cases, arts activities are also a primary method for bringing the entire school together around a single activity. The number of arts full-time equivalents (FTEs) recorded in the district has increased in every year since the CSC began. In 2016–17, the Creative Schools Survey recorded 1,491.5 FTEs, up from 1,402 in 2015–16, a six-percent increase. 12 THE NUMBER OF KNOWN FTE ARTS INSTRUCTORS IN THE DISTRICT HAS INCREASED FROM YEAR TO YEAR 30 1,163.4 2012–13 13 1,288 2013–14 1,337 2014–15 1,402 1,491.5 2015–16 2016–17 SCHOOL YEAR The increase this year in overall staffing is in part a consequence of the increase in survey participation. While Ingenuity receives CPS staffing files for all district-run schools, regardless of whether they complete a survey, data from charter schools is available only from those that complete a Creative Schools Survey. The jump in the number of charter schools that provided data this year therefore played an important role in the growth seen in this year’s staffing numbers. As has been the case in each year the Creative Schools Survey was conducted, the arts instructors included in these numbers include certified arts instructors in district-run schools and teachers identified as arts instructors in charter schools. 10 11 12 13 INGENUITY | STATE OF THE ARTS 14 See Data Notes section of the Appendix for more details on the staffing data sets and process that were used to identify arts FTEs. Charter school teachers are not required by CPS to hold a state certification. In this section, the term “certified” refers either to teachers in district-run schools that hold such a state-level credential or to any individual designated as a teacher by a charter school. This total is based on staffing data from all schools, including some district-run schools that did not respond to the Creative Schools Survey, but whose staffing data are available from CPS administrative sources. Due to a lower response rate on the Creative Schools survey in its first year, staffing totals for 2012–13 are based only on data from CPS Office of Accountability arts staffing files as of June 15, 2013. See glossary.