Ingenuity State of the Arts Report 2016-17 Ingenuity_SOTA_2016-17 | Page 24

24 THE ARTS IN CHICAGO PUBLIC SCHOOLS District-wide Distribution A more complete picture of the arts education landscape in CPS requires an understanding of how access to arts education is distributed across the city. The CSC helps provide that understanding while offering stakeholders a road map to excellent arts programming for all types of schools: district-run (including AUSL, ISP, and Service Leadership Academies schools), charter, contract, and Options schools, 5 from all parts of the city. School Type On the whole, district-run schools received higher ratings than other types of schools. However, increases in the percentage rated Strong or Excelling occurred in all three types of schools in 2016–17. This increase was modest in the case of district-run schools, from 67 percent in 2015–16 to 70 percent in 2016–17. The increase in the share of charter and contract schools rated Strong or Excelling was considerably larger at 18 percentage points, from 39 percent in 2015–16 to 57 percent in 2016–17. And among Options schools, the increase was 17 percentage points, from 13 percent in 2015–16 to 30 percent in 2016–17. 6 A HIGHER PERCENTAGE OF DISTRICT-RUN SCHOOLS WERE CATEGORIZED AS STRONG OR EXCELLING THAN OTHER TYPES OF SCHOOLS      Excelling Strong Developing Emerging Incomplete 70% 57% 30% District-run 518 schools Charter & Contract 105 schools Options 30 schools 5 6 INGENUITY | STATE OF THE ARTS See glossary for definitions of all school types.  he low scores of Options schools merit a closer evaluation in the coming year to determine if the T current way of calculating ratings accurately captures the arts education landscape in these specially focused schools. These data may suggest that there is a better way to think about the arts in the context of Options schools.