Ingenuity State of the Arts Progress Report 2015-2016 | Page 73

107% increase in the percentage of CPS schools rated Strong or Excelling 2015-16 29% 60% Strong or Excelling Strong or Excelling conclusion 2012-13 29% in 2012-13 to 60% in 2015-16 30% increase in the percentage of CPS schools meeting the recommended instructor-to-student ratio of 1:350 56% in 2012-13 to 73% in 2015-16 48% increase in the percentage of CPS elementary schools providing 120 minutes of weekly arts instruction, on average 56% 2012-2013 73% 2015-2016 2012-13 2015-16 40% 59% 120 minutes 120 minutes 40% in 2012-13 to 59% in 2015-16 8% increase in the percentage of CPS high schools that offered 3 or more multi-level arts disciplines 24% in 2012-13 to 26% in 2015-16 2012-2013 2015-2016 24% 26% 73