Ingenuity State of the Arts Progress Report 2015-2016 | Page 54

community partnerships Arts partners are diverse not only in their arts disciplines and programs offered, but also in their size and capacity to partner with CPS schools. Just over half of active arts partners in 2015-16 reported working with a single CPS school, in most cases offering more than one program type for that school.20 Another 28 In 2015-16, 10 of the 579 active arts partners provided more than 30% of all reported partnerships. percent worked with 2-5 schools and just over 3 percent worked with 40 or more schools. This distribution has remained constant across all school years, even with slight variations in the number of active partners. As was the case in years past, there were a small number of community arts partners that provided a sizable portion of reported partnerships. Significantly, in 2015-16, 10 of the 579 active arts partners provided more than 30 percent of all reported partnerships. These 10 partners each worked with more than 90 schools, again offering more than one program type for each of those schools. The type of programming that partners offer, and perhaps also the nature of the relationship between schools and partners, can be quite different when partners are focused on a single school than when they are working with multiple schools. Comparing the partners that worked with a single school to the 10 partners that provided more than 30 percent of reported partnerships highlights this difference. Partners that work with a single school are much less likely than the more prolific partners to offer field trips and The Survey collects data on program type offered, not number of programs in total. For example, a partner may conduct multiple field trips for a single school; in this analysis, those multiple field trips will be counted as a single program type. 20 54