Ingenieur Vol.72 ingenieur October 2017-FA3 | Page 64

INGENIEUR INTERNAL FACTORS EXTERNAL FACTORS Strengths: Opportunities: 1. Established MC procedures/guidelines 2. Safeguarding of plant mechanical integrity 3. Cost-effective control 1. Development of inspection tools 2. Development of national standard 3. Development of PETRONAS MC system Weaknesses: Threats: 1. Inconsistency in MC guidelines (Upstream and Downstream projects) 2. Variation of guidel ines 3. People’s skill and competency 4. Lack of awareness 5. Last minute activities 6. Responsibility falls upon Contractor 7. Lack of proper planning and co-ordination 8. No standard MC system to implement 9. Owner/contractor resistance 1. Plant and operation safety/security 2. New technology in construction activities 3. New construction methods Table 2: MC SWOT Analysis The upstream project uses the term Hook-up and Commissioning (HUC) whilst the downstream project is already established in terms and definitions of the construction and commissioning phases. Nevertheless, this inconsistency in MC definition can be improved similarly to the way the Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Management Systems Framework was imposed on the standard Permit To Work (PTW) system within all oil and gas operational units. The advantages of an MC system is that it can also be used as an agent of change in the conventional construction method by merging the Information Communication Technology (ICT) in the MC verification and inspection methods. Since Malaysia has yet to adopt the MC system, an opportunity arises for the oil and gas industry to push for the adoption of a systematic MC execution. The MC integrity checking activities are the processes by which a newly constructed plant can be safeguarded as per design or specification. This strength creates quality control as early as at the project start-up phase because the MC execution control will involve multi-disciplined checking and inspection processes. The inspection includes the local Authority’s approval such as the Department 6 62 VOL 2017 VOL 72 55 OCTOBER-DECEMBER JUNE 2013 of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) for pressure vessels and issuance of a Plant Permit To Install (PTI) and a Permit To Operate (PTO), and a Fire Department for fire fighting systems. In some cases, the challenge to an MC execution plan is the resistance from both owners and contractors to follow through with the MC activity. They may not fully understand the whole picture of MC execution but they are committed to delivering the construction project on time. RECOMMENDATIONS (i) Application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in MC system ICT application in an MC system can improve the current MC database system especially for MC punch list items. In normal circumstances, this computer database is manually controlled prior to updating the MC status. The MC daily co-ordination meeting addresses this record through notification and verification of a particular sub-system or system that is supposedly completed, ongoing or is a new issue found during physical inspection.