Ingenieur Vol.72 ingenieur October 2017-FA3 | Page 49

disappear , and this new change may take place in other countries as well . Therefore , we should adopt new methods and be prepared to welcome a new society and new ways of education . Besides , media-centred industries , like theatre , film , publicity and advertising are cultural industries and cannot be replaced by robots . A country will be stronger with a stronger cultural industry . 35 % of the global cultural market is occupied by the United States , while China only accounts for 12 %. Therefore , we should promote the cultural market and activities in the cultural field , and inspire more creative and critical thinking in students . - Park Seung Chu
Innovation and Asia ’ s Inculcation Education
Innovation should also run through the whole course of education . Basic research is not inconsistent with innovation , nor does basic research conflict with the integration of production , learning and research . - Li Jiange
It is not universities ’ goal to train everyone to be masters . Different people have different choices . Universities should create conditions for all to choose . Innovation of universities involves innovation in research , teaching content and management systems . - Lau Leong problems . Engineering is based principally on physics , chemistry , and mathematics and their extensions into materials science , solid and fluid mechanics , thermodynamics , transfer and rate processes , and systems analysis .
The foundations of modern structural engineering were laid in the 17 th century by Galileo , Robert Hooke and Isaac Newton with the publication of three great scientific works . In 1638 Galileo published Dialogues Relating to Two New Sciences , outlining the sciences of the strength of materials and the motion of objects ( essentially defining gravity as a force giving rise to a constant acceleration ). It was the first establishment of a scientific approach to structural engineering , including the first attempts to develop a theory for beams . This is also regarded as the beginning of structural analysis , the mathematical representation and design of building structures .
This was followed in 1676 by Robert Hooke ’ s first statement of Hooke ’ s Law , providing a scientific understanding of elasticity of materials and their behaviour under load .
Eleven years later , in 1687 , Sir Isaac Newton published Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica , setting out his Laws of Motion , providing for the first time an understanding of the fundamental laws governing structures .
The words engine and ingenious are derived from the same Latin root , ingenerare , which means “ to create .” The early English verb engine meant “ to contrive .” Thus the engines of war were devices such as catapults , floating bridges , and assault towers ; their designer was the “ engine-er ,” or military engineer . The counterpart of the military engineer was the civil engineer , who applied essentially the same knowledge and skills to designing buildings , streets , water supplies , sewage systems , and other projects .
The function of the scientist is to know , while that of the engineer is to do . The scientist adds to the store of verified , systematized knowledge of the physical world ; the engineer brings this knowledge to bear on practical
Steel construction was first made possible in the 1850s when Henry Bessemer developed the Bessemer process to produce steel . He gained patents for the process in 1855 and 1856 and successfully completed the conversion of cast iron into cast steel in 1858 . Eventually steel would replace both wrought iron and cast iron as the preferred metal for construction .
Alice Perry was the first woman in Europe to graduate with a degree in engineering in 1908 from Queen ’ s College , Galway . Elisa Leonida Zamfirescu , a Romanian engineer graduated from the Technical University of Berlin in 1912 . The entry of the United States into World War II created a serious shortage of engineering talent as men were drafted into the armed forces . General