Ingenieur Vol.70 Apr-June 2017 ingenieur Apr-June 2017-FA | Page 40

INGENIEUR Figure 2: Simulated maximum, minimum and mean temperature from year 1980 – 2069 in the Cameron Highlands especially when the data set contains outliers. An outlier markedly affects the mean while the median is not influenced by them (Rumsey, 2011). The median is a more appropriate measure of central tendency when there are several outliers. In order to minimise unnecessary errors, both mean and median were taken as the measures of central tendency in this study. Results from Regional Climate Model were analysed before bias correction of the data was done to remove common projection model errors. Past actual records of daily maximum and minimum temperature and daily rainfall amount data from MMD were taken into account as the basis for analysis. Bias correction factors were derived for the period 1983–2014 and applied to 1980–2069. The purpose was to remove common systematic model errors. The bias correction applied in this study is based on that proposed by Terink et al (2010) for a Rhine basin study. The bias correction is applied for precipitation and temperature only. The corrected precipitation P' was obtained as: 6 38 VOL 2017 VOL 70 55 APRIL-JUNE JUNE 2013 Where: = corrected precipitation = mean unc orrec ted simulated precipitation = mean observed precipitation = uncorrected simulated precipitation Each daily temperature value T is transformed to a corrected T’ using: Where: = corrected temperature = mean observed temperature = standard deviation of observed temperature = standard deviation of uncorrected simulated temperature = uncorrected simulated temperature = mean uncorrected simulated temperature