Ingenieur Vol 77 Jan-Mar 2019 ingenieur 2019 Jan-March | Page 69

revolution is derived from numbers and data, including the application of artificial intelligence, big data, and some new applications related to bioscience which need data to provide solutions. This new round of technological revolution will influence every industry including manufacturing. Robots will have a deep and profound influence on manufacturing industries and their distribution around the world. Margaret Chan thinks that the new round of technological revolution is a double-edged sword, as shown rather clearly in the medical industry. The emphasis on ethics, the protection of privacy and the regulatory compliance cannot catch up with the pace of rapidly changing technologies. At present, the application of new technologies around the world is still unbalanced. International co-operation is needed to provide the best solutions to social problems and meet expectations of technology’s benefit to society. Yossi Vardi, an entrepreneur and investor from Israel, is of the opinion that the development of technology causes social polarisation. Many people are marginalised by the wave of technology. But he thinks we need to change the idea that the Government is solely responsible for solving the problem. He stresses that inclusive measures should be taken to deal with social problems, to allow all classes to join in as much as possible and help marginalised groups gain resources. He said that the development of artificial intelligence may influence the thinking of people as well as their value systems. New technology may change from helping people to “manipulating” people. Therefore, the biggest challenge that technology brings to international society is how to better harness information technology and better exploit the potential of different technologies. Artificial intelligence will greatly empower the manufacturing sector in at least four aspects, such as preventive maintenance, anomaly detection, process flow, and customer service. Whether it be the global 4.0 industrial revolution or the era of disruptive fourth- and fifth-generation technology, it means that the traditional model of the enterprise will change in the face of emerging technologies. Rudolf Staudigl took the German vocational education and training system as an example to demonstrate the importance of establishing a complete education system, saying that German employees repeatedly learn career reforms, and that companies have also kept broadening their approaches to learning. Companies require skilled workers and employees who regard learning as a mission learn new skills. This is the key to success. The Future of Production (Source: BOAO) Richard Edmondson Bailey anticipates that the future of production must go digital. In addition, productivity increase will be driven by a range of factors, such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and 3D-printing. Future consumption will drive the supply chain, and will have a greater impact on production, thereby spurring companies to boost productivity. AI machine in a factory 67