Ingenieur Vol 68 Oct-Dec 2016 | Page 16

INGENIEUR Engineering Innovation Foresight - The Way Forward Caterpillar, 2015. Articulated trucks. http://www. new/equipment/ articulated-trucks.html Owing to the continuous national development of various countries worldwide, as engineers we are very confident that engineering innovations and the global industrial sector will continue to be vibrant into the next millennium and beyond. Some of the ingenious engineering foresights envisaged to progress the global community towards a better tomorrow are (Figure 12): - Virtual Reality industrial site design - Interactive industrial plant control setup - Parametricism urban development design for ex-industrial sites. Kim, W.C. and R. Mauborgne, 2005, Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant. Boston: Harvard Business School Press. 240 pp REFERENCE Bennink, C., 2012. The new ar ticulated truck alternative. Equipment Today. www. article/ 10754047/ thenew articulated-truck-alternative Do You Know? Mullis, A, 2016. How does virtual reality work?. Pro-Air Solutions, 2015. Dust control and dust suppression. dustcontrol-mining.php Volvo, 2015. An articulated truck that performs. construction equipment/ na/en-us/products/articulated-truck/ benefits/ Pages/productivity.aspx Volvo C on s truc tion Equipment , 2015. Training Simulators. www. volvoce. com/ constructionequipment/ na/ en-us/ training/ training_ simulators/ Pages/ Introduction.aspx Innovation for growth By Tan Moi Kwan With the rapid pace of innovation viz. Fourth Industrial Revolution, a study estimated that 47% of workers in United States and 35% in UK face the risk of being replaced by technology over the next 20 years. The Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA) report estimated that 40% of the Australian workforce face a high probability of being replaced by computers over the next 10 to 15 years. Most innovations and breakthroughs come from mistakes, serendipity, false starts, setbacks and misapplications. Many innovations were unplanned and unexpected. Under the Networked Readiness Index (NRI) 2016, the Malaysian Government is ranked world’s top sixth most tech-savvy i.e. efficacy in promoting information and communication technologies and providing online services to the population. For overall NRI, Malaysia ranked 31st . The momentum for the world in digital technology is rapidly shifting eastwards; today, American giants such as Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google may be undisputed leaders in bringing innovative technology to market, however, the next generation of start-ups will look to the likes of Alibaba, Baidu, Lenovo and Tencent for inspiration. According to World Bank, every 10 additional mobile phones per 100 people in a typical developing nation will result in a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth of approximately 0.8%. ICT’s contribution to the Malaysian economy increased to 17.8% in 2015. ICT industry employed 1.06 million persons and contributed 7.6% to total employment in Malaysia. 6 14 VOL - DECEMBER 2016 VOL68 55OCTOBER JUNE 2013