Ingenieur Vol. 64 Oct-Dec 2015 Ingenieur Vol 64 Oct-Dec 2015 | Page 23

Reed beds consisting of phragmites plant are used to absorb residues in the treated leachate 3. A ‘Zero Discharge’ policy, where treated effluents having achieved standards allowing discharge into open watercourses are irrigated in a 120-acre field instead of discharging into open water courses. This allows the treated effluent to be absorbed through evapotranspiration and soil moisture retention, promoting optimum protection to the environment. 4. Using Reed Beds consisting of phragmites plant to absorb residues in the treated leachate to further improve its quality. 5. The first sanitary landfill in the country to be issued carbon credits (CER) in the CDM scheme under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. 6. Having the most CERs issued for a sanitary landfill in the CDM scheme in the country AWARD WINNING PROJECT BTSL has won the following local and international awards in engineering and environmental sectors: 1. Association of Consulting Engineers, Malaysia • ACEM Award 2008 2. Institute of Engineers, Malaysia • IEM Ou t s t anding Eng ineering Achievement Award 2008 3. ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organization • AFEO Award 2008 4. ASEAN Centre for Energy • ASEAN Energy Award 2012 5. Singapore Environment Council (SEC) • C D L O u t s t a n d i n g S i n g a p o r e Environmental Achievement Awards 2013 • DFS Singapore Environment al Achievement Awards 2013 (Regional) The development of BTSL underlies the Government of Malaysia’s far-sighted solid waste management solution for Kuala Lumpur and Selangor, as well as an endorsement o