Ingenieur Vol 63 Ingenieur Vol 63 2015 | Page 27

The movement of a train along a route is influenced by many forces, including traction effort, train resistance, braking forces, and equivalent mass. Tractive effort, Te, provides the propulsion to overcome resistances and to accelerate the train. Train resistance, Re, is the result of train characteristics and alignment geometries. Braking force, Be, is used to decelerate the train and bring it to full stop. During the movement of the train, the wheels, shafts, axles may store kinetic energy. As a result, the net force available for accelerating/decelerating the train includes not only its static mass, but also the rotating mass. Their sum is called equivalent mass of the train, Me. Thus, traction simulation is all about simulating the movement of trains along specified route and is governed by Newton’s Second Law of Motion. The train movement simulation calculates the interaction between trains and the track alignment. The speed limits determine how fast the train can travel. The vehicle characteristics determine how fast the train can accelerate and decelerate. These in turn will determine how much power the train will demand from the traction power system or how much power it can make available by returning to the traction power system (regenerative braking power is treated as negative power demand). The electrical network simulation determines the voltage and current in the traction power system. Based on the train operations schedules and/or headways, the train movement simulator calculates the locations of all the trains at any given time instant and their power demands across the system route. This data is then fed into the electrical network simulator to perform the load flow simulation for the given time instant. The load flow simulation is basically of single-end source radial feeds sectionalized lengths of 25kV distribution system with moving electrical loads (moving trains) across the system route. The train movement simulation and the electrical network calculation are carried out in discrete time steps of one second. For a given instant of time, the locations and power demand (or back feeding power) of trains on the route are known from the train movement simulation Figure A9: Modelling and Simulation Process for Traction Power Simulation. 25