Ingenieur Vol 61 January-March 2015 | Page 76

INGENIEUR C o m pu t e r c o n n e c t s t o d a t a b a s e s R e a d e r s e n d s d a ta t o h o s t 6 or i nterne t to s tore or upda te da ta 5 c o m p u t e r fo r pr o c e s s i n g N e t w or k I n fr a s t r u c tu r e C o m pu t e r s e nd s o p e r a t i n g 7 da ta to ta g through the re a de r H os t C om pute r Da ta ba s e s R e a de r s e nds a que ry 2 1 to ta g through a nte nna T a g r e c e i v e s th e R F s i gn a l a n d g e t a c t i v e Ante nna C hip S u bs tr a t e R F ID T a g Ante nna R F ID R e ade r T a gg e d O b je c t T a g s e nds ba c k its 3 u n iq u e I D t o t he r e a d e r A n t e n n a c o ll e c t s t h e I D 4 a n d t r a n s fe r s t o r e a d e r Figure 2: RFID Operation System To achieve the objectives of the traceability system, we need to provide the product with a unique identification number and some required information. We need also a system to capture the information from the object, identify the object uniquely and manage the whole system. In this article, we investigate the two most popular technologies in traceability systems. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Quick Response (QR) code are separately investigated as identification technologies. Their advantages in the traceability system and a comprehensive comparison between the RFID and QR are provided. OVERVIEW OF RFID TECHNOLOGY RFID provides a unique identification for tagged objects by transmitting radio signals. Tags, reader, antenna and the host computer are the four essential components of an RFID system. RFID technology provides a fast, reliable and flexible identification process for all tagged objects. Objects emit their unique ID trough the radio signals by utilizing the tag antenna. Transmitted signals are collecte, interpreted by the reader and transferred to the computer application, where the database or any specific applications that manage all the identification process. RFID technology is widely utilized in different scientific and industrial 6 74 VOL 61 JANUARY – MARCH 2015 VOL 55 JUNE 2013 projects such as: tracking systems, supply chain management, warehouse and inventory management, manufacturing, construction, transportation, toll collections and so on. How Does an RFID System Work? In RFID systems the reader initiates the identification process. First the reader broadcasts the query to the tags through the antennas. The tags receive the RF signals; where, the RF signals induct the electric current through the coil antenna inside the tags. Next, a RFID chip utilizes the induced current to send back its unique ID to the reader through the antennas. Reader antenna collects the emitted data and transfer to the reader. The Reader sends all the data to the host computer for processing. Then the host computer connects to several databases or Internet at the same time, and sends the event based data to be stored on the tag. Figure 2 demonstrates the whole operation process of RFID systems. OVERVIEW OF QR TECHNOLOGY QR code is also known as a two dimensional barcode. It was developed in 1994 by DENSO Corporation of Japan to provide fast identification and track objects by scanning a tag optically. The general idea of the QR and barcode are the same.