INFOteen test | Page 4

Stress, stress and stress




Nowadays, more and more teens are forced to cope with stress at school, especially during the exams period. A little stress around exams might motivate you, but students are very busy with their homework and stress is not always beneficial, since it makes them feel anxious and oppressed. Students with busy schedules have no free time to relax and entertain themselves. Many students worry about getting a good grade. Also, making a major move can be stressful time for many students.

To begin with, students must find a way to push all this stress away. It is not always that easy, but it would be very helpful for them to focus on things that entertain them and repel stress. When it all starts stressing you out, take a breather. Finding a proper hobby, might be a good option to decrease their stress and forget about it. Listening to some good music in your free time or even eating healthier and drinking lots of water throughout the exam period, can also help somebody’s mental health. Some other things are firstly to get off your smartphone and focus on studying if you want to succeed or go for a walk to breathe some fresh air, if you feel anxious or that you have studied enough.

Furthermore, try taking regular breaks and avoid comparing yourself to your friends. Talk to someone you trust if you are feeling worried and stressed, instead of coping with stress all by yourself. Also, you must get enough sleep at night or even during your breaks and remember that exam success does not define you, you are so much more than a piece of paper.

To sum up, it is very harmful for a student to be anxious during exams time, for this reason all students must find a way to deal with this problem.




Argiro Vafeiadou , Vaggelis Geneiatakis, Lydia Tsakalou

Video: What is Stress? - MoreThanMedication