INFOteen test | Page 14




Nullam a magnis.

Lacus auctor curabitur.

Jason Kalathakis, Kasotaki Kallia, Makrigianni Eleni, Oustamanolaki Kallia


In our day and age teenagers all over the world eat junk food on a daily basis. They do not eat homemade food and also every time they do not like the food that their mum has cooked for dinner they sneak out of the house and eat junk food.

To begin with, professionals say that the average kid from the U.S. eats 1-2 meals a day that is junk food. Additionally, teenagers think that junk food is healthy for their health and that does not harm them and also, they prefer junk food instead of homemade food because they think that it is tastier than the food their mum or dad cooks at home. Also, when kids learn to eat junk food since their early lives, they do not get used to eating food at home and this is another reason why the percentage of obesity has increased all over the world! Furthermore, fast food such as sausages, French fries, fried chicken and all kinds of sauces are unhealthy because they are full of [monosodium glutamate (MSG)] which is used as an additive and to enhance flavor.

To conclude, every kid all over the world, every time they want to go and eat junk food, they should think twice before doing so because such a choice can cause them so many problems which will follow them for the rest of their lives.


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