Industrial Internet Security Framework v 1.0 | Page 150

Security Framework Annex G : References
[ AAMI-TIR2014 ] Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation ( AAMI ) Technical Information Report ( TIR ) 38:2014 , retrieved 2016-09-26 my . aami . org / aamiresources / previewfiles / TIR38 _ 1501 _ preview . pdf from https :// standards . aami . org / kws / public / projects / project / details ? project _ id = 2 51
[ AICPA-GAPP ] GAPP : Generally Accepted Privacy Principles , AICPA ( American Institute of CPAs ), retrieved 2016-09-02 http :// www . aicpa . org / InterestAreas / InformationTechnology / Resources / Priva cy / GenerallyAcceptedPrivacyPrinciples
[ AMQP ] Advanced Message Queuing Protocol ( AMQP ), retrieved 2016-09-05 http :// www . amqp . org /
[ Andr-Trusty ] The Android Source Code : Trusty TEE , Android Open Source Project , retrieved 2016-09-02 https :// source . android . com / security / trusty /
[ ANSSI-CMKM ] Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d ’ information : Classification Method and Key Measures , Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems , 2014 , retrieved 2016-09-26 http :// www . ssi . gouv . fr / uploads / 2014 / 01 / industrial _ security _ WG _ Classificati on _ Method . pdf
[ ARINC-653 ] Rockwell Collins / Aeronautical Radio , Inc ( ARINC ): ARINC 653 ( Avionics Application Standard Software Interface ), retrieved 2016-09-05 http :// store . aviation-ia . com / cf / store / catalog _ detail . cfm ? item _ id = 496 from http :// store . aviation-ia . com / cf / store
[ ARM-TrustZ ] ARM Ltd : ARM Trustzone , retrieved at 2016-09-02 http :// www . arm . com / products / security-on-arm / trustzone
[ ATT-CK ] ATT & CK : Adversarial Tactics , Techniques & Common Knowledge , MITRE , retrieved 2016-09-26 https :// attack . mitre . org / wiki / Main _ Page
[ AU-CCSC ] Australian Government , Department of Defence : Cloud Computing Security Considerations , September 2012 , retrieved 2016-09-05 http :// www . asd . gov . au / publications / protect / Cloud _ Computing _ Security _ for _ Cloud _ Service _ Providers . pdf from http :// www . asd . gov . au / infosec / cloudsecurity . htm
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