Industrial Internet Connectivity Framework | Page 124

Connectivity Framework
Annex J : References
[ IIC-IISF2016 ] IIC : The Industrial Internet , Volume G4 : Security Framework Technical Report , version 1.0 , 2016-Sep-26 , retrieved 2017-01-10 http :// www . iiconsortium . org / IISF . htm
[ IIC-IIV2015 ] IIC : The Industrial Internet , Volume G8 : Vocabulary Technical Report , version 1.0 , 2015-May-07 , retrieved 2017-01-10 http :// www . iiconsortium . org / vocab / index . htm
[ ISO-7498-1 ] ISO / IEC standard 7498-1:1994 download at http :// standards . iso . org / ittf / PubliclyAvailableStandards / s020269 _ ISO _ IEC _ 7 498-1 _ 1994 ( E ). zip
[ MQTT ] MQTT protocol , retrieved 2017-02-16 http :// www . mqtt . org
[ MQTT-P ] MQTT projects , retrieved 2017-02-16 http :// www . mqtt . org / projects
[ OASIS ] OASIS : Advancing open standards for the information society , retrieved 2017-02-16 https :// www . oasis-open . org
[ OMG-DDS ] Object Management Group : DDS Portal – Data Distribution Service , retrieved 2017-01-10 http :// portals . omg . org / dds /
[ OMG-DDSI-RTPS ] Object Management Group : The Real-Time Publish-Subscribe Wire Protocol DDS Interoperability Wire Protocol ( DDSI-RTPS ), version 2.2 , 2014 September , retrieved 2017-01-10 http :// www . omg . org / spec / DDSI-RTPS /
[ OMG-DDSRPC ] Object Management Group : Remote Procedure Call over DDS , version 1.0 , 2016 June , retrieved 2017-01-10 http :// www . omg . org / spec / DDS-RPC /
[ OMG-DDSSTD ] Object Management Group : What ’ s in the DDS Standard ? Open International Data-Centric Connectivity Standard , retrieved 2017-02-16 http :// portals . omg . org / dds / omg-dds-standard /
[ OMG-DDSWEB ] Object Management Group : Web-Enables DDS , version 1.0 , 2016 December , retrieved 2017-01-10 http :// www . omg . org / spec / DDS-WEB /
[ ONEM2M ] OneM2M : Standards for M2M and the Internet of Things , retrieved 2017-02- 16 http :// www . oneM2M . org
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