Industrial Internet Connectivity Framework | Page 101

Connectivity Framework Annex E : Assessment Template : CoAP
This Annex contains the assessment template for Constrained Application Protocol ( CoAP ).
E . 6.1 General Info ( Section 6.1 )
Name Common and formal name of the connectivity technology .
Constrained Application Protocol ( CoAP )
Responsible standards development organization ( SDO ), task group or author ( s ), respective companies and email addresses .
Internet Engineering Task Force ( IETF ) Description Short synopsis of the technology .
Application Domain ( s )
The Constrained Application Protocol ( CoAP ) is a specialized web transfer protocol for use with constrained nodes and constrained networks in IoT .
The protocol is designed for machine-to-machine ( M2M ) applications such as smart energy and building automation . Application domains targeted by the connectivity technology .
IoT scenarios where devices are very constrained ( in memory or CPU or both ). Scenarios that require interoperability between web technologies and the general Internet with the IoT device domain .
Dependencies Possible commonalities with or reliance on other connectivity elements .
• UDP / IP ( DTLS )
• TCP / IP and Web Sockets ( TLS ) in progress References Website 1 and other useful links to the technology .
See [ CoAP ] IIC : PUB : G5 : V1.0 : PB : 20170228 - 101 -