Indie Scribe Magazine February 2014 | Page 42

David Kernohan

Another poet is Rainer Maria Rilke. With Rilke it is his longing and in a sense his uncertainty regarding the Divine, for example;

I circle around God, around the primordial tower

I’ve been circling for thousands of years

And I still don’t know: am I a falcon,

A storm or a great song?

As mentioned, given my background, in the church and religion I have a very conflicted relationship with the Divine. I allude to an aspect of this in the poem “Prayer is hard”. It feels, as Rilke expressed it, God and I have been circling each other for thousands of years and I still don’t know.

Over the years I have grown accepting, if not always comfortable with this circling. I am fully aware there is an inherent contradiction in my position for while I do not believe in a personal God I do believe in the Divine Beloved which is the Sufi term for love. The poetry of Kahlil Gibran and Hafiz resonates strongly within me because of the whole desire to be infused, penetrated by love.

I have to ask....why a Badger?

As a younger man I had very black hair. As I started going grey/white my youngest daughter reckoned I looked like a badger. It was she who gave me the name. When I started the blog it just seemed natural to use the name she gave me.