Indiana & Yoga Magazine Winter 2017 Issue 2 | Page 57

Exercises for Chronic Pain
PHYSICAL YOGA they are and progresses at the individual ’ s pace . Through guided meditations , we can even discover if the pain is purely physical or has its origins in the mind .
Through these yoga practices , the individual activates their innate relaxation response and brings the nervous system into rest , renew , heal mode . The stress response is turned off and can now allow the mind and body to learn to rest in a sense of safety rather than fight or flight . Ultimately , these practices are used to help rewire the brain ’ s response to the pain and empower the individual with tools to manage the pain themselves .

Exercises for Chronic Pain

Supta Baddha Konasana
( supported , reclined bound angle pose )
Restorative yoga is a deeply nourishing practice that helps us relax and rest deeply and completely through the support of props such as blankets , bolsters and eye pillows . During deep relaxation , the nervous system can settle down and the systems of the body can rejuvenate . This is especially important for the digestive and reproductive systems , which tend to shut down during periods of extreme stress . Supta Baddha Konasana relaxes tension in the abdomen , chest and shoulders , allowing the breath to flow freely through the body . Lean a bolster on a block or stack of books at an angle . Sit in front of the bolster with your sacrum close to the prop . Bring your feet together and knees apart in a diamond shape . If you want more support under your knees , place a pillow , block or rolled blanket under the outer thigh and knee area of each leg . You want to use as many props as you need to ensure there is no deep stretch or strain in the knees , legs or hips . Lay on the bolster so that your back and head are supported , including your low back . Rest your arms on the floor beside you , on your abdomen , or wherever is most comfortable . You may even want to place pillows or blankets underneath your arms , so they are not straining without the support .
Supta Baddha Konasana