Indiana & Yoga Magazine Winter 2017 Issue 2 | Page 52

Conductor Breath ( also known as Breath of Joy )

Teachable Moments : Breathing Games

By Candice Baggett

Control the breath and the mind will follow .

Why does breathwork work ?
• Calms the mind
• Reduces stress and anxiety
• Balances low / high energy
• Increases concentration
• Improves self regulation

To Energize

Anyone who works with children will know it is an important task to instill in them a strong sense of self . Giving young people the tools to handle life ’ s challenges is a priority . As teachers and parents teaching moments are presented constantly . Having techniques to guide children through challenges and stress will increase a child ’ s self awareness and further build a trusting relationship .
Why breath ? When we are excited our breathing speeds up , and when we are tired it slows . If we become surprised or frightened we gasp and even hold our breath . A beautiful sunset or really cute puppy will make us sigh awww . Usually the mind is controlling our breath , an automatic response to being alive and having feelings . However , our automatic responses are not always helpful . Feeling anxious for too long is disastrous for our health . Becoming frightened to speak in

Conductor Breath ( also known as Breath of Joy )

public does not let us perform to our best abilities . So if we reverse the process and control the breath , those thoughts , feelings and even physical responses can be controlled as well .
As a teacher of almost 20 years and a mother of two , I have taught all ages including babies , school-age children , college students and older adults . All students have this in common : in order to learn they must be present . The list of distractions that keep students from being present is long and varies from day-today , even hour-to-hour . While teaching in a public school for the last ten years I saw around 200 students every day . Having techniques that helped students become centered and present was part of my daily plan . Here are a few of the activities I have used in school and with my own children to help them become more self aware .
When children are feeling sluggish and sleepy conductor breath will energize and rejuvenate . Used just before a test or other event where concentration is essential this technique will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to go .
Standing up , inhale with the child through your noses as you bring your hands straight out in front of you . Inhale more as you move your hands out to your sides at shoulder height . Inhale completely as the hands come over head . Finally exhale through an open mouth as you hinge at the hips to a forward fold . Pause , then slowly come back to standing . Repeat 4 more times .