Indiana Reading Journal Volume 44 Issue 1 Volume 47 Issue 1 | Page 18


Intermediate Honorable Mention

CAO CHUNG WEIGHS AN ELEPHANT. 2017. Songju Ma Daemicke. Arbordale Publishing. 32 pp. ISBN-13: 9781628559040. Based on an ancient Chinese story, this book shares the tale of how a young boy uses his problem-solving skills and understanding of buoyancy to solve the mystery of how much an elephant weighs. STANDARD 1: PHYSICAL SCIENCE.

CAROLINE'S COMETS: A TRUE STORY. 2017. Emily Arnold McCully. Holiday House. 40pp. ISBN-13: 978-0823436644. This picture book biography details the life of astronomer Caroline Herschel, who in 1786 became the first woman to discover a comet and be paid for scientific research. Endnotes include a bibliography, timeline, and glossary. STANDARD 2: EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCE.

EXPLORING SPACE: FROM GALILEO TO THE MARS ROVER AND BEYOND. 2017.Martin Jenkins. Illus. Stephen Biesty. Candlewick Press. 64pp. ISBN-13: 978-0763689315. Richly detailed illustrations supplement engaging text to explain current space travel, as well as the history and future of space explorations. The book can be read cover-to-cover or in sections, depending on the needs and interests of the reader. Endnotes provide a glossary, timeline, and additional resources. STANDARD 2: EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCE.

BEES: A HONEYED STORY. 2017. Piotr Socha. Abrams Books for Young Readers. (First published in 2015 under the title Pszczoty by Wydawnictwo Dwie Siostry, Warsaw.) 80pp. ISBN-13: 978-1419726156. Young readers will be captivated by this oversized picture book which features information on every aspect of bees and beekeeping. The large pages with detailed illustrations and diminutive text make this a perfect book for browsing or fact-finding. STANDARD 3: LIFE SCIENCE.

FROM HERE TO THERE: THE STORY OF HOW WE TRANSPORT OURSELVES AND EVERYTHING ELSE. 2017. H. P. Newquist. Penguin Young Readers / Viking Books for Young Readers. 128 pp. ISBN-13: 9780451476456. Through photos, text, and illustrations, this book chronicles the innovations in transportation throughout history. Water, terrestrial, and airborne transportation modes are presented through artifacts and historical narratives, with problem solving and science concepts embedded throughout the text. STANDARD 4: SCIENCE, ENGINEERING, AND TECHNOLOGY.

Jeff Thomas


711 Crestmont Drive

Evansville, IN 47712

University of Southern Indiana

8600 University Blvd.

Teacher Education

Evansville, IN 47712

Joyce Gulley


2206 N. Thomas AvenueE

vansville, IN 47711

University of Southern Indiana

8600 University Blvd.

Teacher Education

Evansville, IN 47712

Kristin Rearden

Clinical Professor

University of Tennessee

419 Claxton

Knoxville, TN 37996-3442

[email protected]

Amy Broemmel

Associate Professor

University of Tennessee

A221 Bailey Education Complex

Knoxville, TN 37996-3442

[email protected]



Thomas, J.(2012). Spotlight on science: Introducing the Indiana science tradebook annual reading list. The Indiana Reading Journal, 45(1), 31-35.
