Indiana Reading Journal Volume 44 Issue 1 Volume 46 Issue 1 | Page 8

From Your


Jackie Sydnor, Scott Popplewell & Diane Bottomley


Welcome back to the 2017-2018 school year! We hope you will enjoy the fall 2017 Indiana Reading Journal. We think you will enjoy reading about best literacy practices. Enjoy the article by Kathleen Danielson "Nonfiction Mentor Texts" and Amy Leitze's Tech Tips column entitled "Getting Started with Seesaw in the Literacy Classroom" as well as "Using Heuristics to Guide Collaboration" by David Mattingly, Sharon Daley, and Jennifer Conner-Zochocki. Susan Martin, Rebecca Giles, and Paige Vitulli have written an article entitled "Chinese Children's Literature: A Gateway to Competency and Compassion," and don't miss the INSTAR (Indiana science trade book annual reading) book list. In her Partners in Literacy column, Peggy Rice provides advice on culturally diverse children's literature recommendations for teaching democratic principles and civic virtues. Finally, enjoy book reviews by Heather Schilling.

The Indiana State Reading Association fall conference is just around the corner. The conference theme for this year is "Reading Drives all Learning". The conference will be on Saturday, September 16, 2017 at Noblesville High School in Noblesville, Indiana from 9:00-4:00 Featured speakers for this year's conference include Kristina Smekens, William Himmele, and Matt Miller. We hope you will be able to come and enjoy the day with colleagues!

Please remember that YOU can write for the Indiana Reading Journal. Guidelines for submission of articles can be found on page 6. We encourage you to submit articles with classroom ideas for literacy development, based on sound theory and research! Other types of submissions, including teaching tips, strategy suggestions, and technology tools are welcome. Because this journal is published as an e-text, multimedia (images, video, audio, etc) is encouraged. We look forward to hearing from you!

Drs. Diane Bottomley, Scott Popplewell, and Jackie Sydnor