Indiana MoneyWise Back to School | Page 13

Don’t be a victim of investment fraud.

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product are registered

For more ways to protect yourself, please visit the Indiana Secretary of State's website at

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“I would also like to thank Vanderburgh County Prosecutor Nicholas Hermann for his work. This arrest would not be possible without him.”

The investigation began when the Secretary of State’s office received a complaint about Morgan. Morgan is the President and CEO of Liquid Ninja and allegedly took more than $600,000 from four victims in the tri-state areas as an investment in his energy drink company, but instead used it for his own personal gain. Neither Morgan nor the product he offered were licensed in the State of Indiana. All Securities professionals and investment products must be licensed.

“Investors should always check with the Secretary of State’s office to make sure they are investing in a registered investment,” said Indiana Securities Commissioner Alex Glass. “A simple background check to ensure the investment professional and the product are registered could save your precious investment dollars.”

The charges are merely an accusation and the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty.