India-South Africa India-South Africa 2019 | Page 12

animal production, food security, aquaculture and aquatic product processing. • agreed to work towards addressing skills development through the investment of resources and exchange of best practices. • welcomed the setting up of the "Gandhi – Mandela Centre of Specialization for Artisan Skills” in South Africa with Indian assistance. • Decided to further strengthen academic engagement between institutions on both sides. President Ramaphosa appreciated India’s contribution to the higher education of South African youth through the fully paid scholarships off ered under the ICCR and short term training programmes under IAFS and ITEC Schemes. • the two sides further agreed to conclude an MoU on Cooperation in Higher Education. • lauded the valuable contribution of the people of Indian origin in South Africa. • expressed the desire to broaden people- to-people interactions and to increase two- way tourism by addressing challenges with regard to consular and immigration-related issues. In this context, the two sides agreed to conclude an agreement on simplifi cation of visa requirements. • expressed their intent to explore avenues 12 • India-South Africa • 2019 to resume direct air connectivity between South Africa and India. • welcomed the launch of "India for Humanity” initiative by India in the context of Gandhiji’s 150th birth anniversary, to provide artifi cial limbs by “Jaipur Foot” and welcomed India’s off er to hold a camp in South Africa. • underscored the need for continuing consultations and the exchange of views between South Africa and India in order to build partnerships in multilateral forums and to ensure that the agenda of the South is prioritised. • committed themselves to promoting reformed multilateralism through cooperation and coordination at multilateral fora and in international organisations. • committed to cooperate in all relevant multilateral forums through the groupings of G20, BRICS, IBSA, BASIC, NAM, WTO and the Commonwealth, as well as the strengthening of the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA). • reaffi rmed their commitment to enhance the voice and representation of emerging and developing economies, including those in Africa, in the decision-making bodies of multilateral institutions.