IN West Mifflin Spring 2018 | Page 13

INDUSTRY INSIGHT DENTISTRY SPONSORED CONTENT COMPOSITE DENTAL FILLINGS FOR CAVITY REPAIR I f dental erosion has occurred to your smile to the point that a hole is formed in your tooth enamel, a cavity will arise. Fortunately, cavities can be treated metal fillings in the mouth over time, as teeth pound together while chewing, can cause unwanted fractures and breaks. The breakdown of these types of fillings can allow the mercury to leak into your system. To prevent a dental filling from being necessary, it is important to brush your teeth twice a day, floss daily, eat a balanced diet and visit the dentist regularly. However, if a cavity does arise it’s important to visit your dentist for a composite filling, also known as a tooth-colored filling. At Complete Dental Care, we care about your smile. Therefore we never use amalgam-based fillings, for optimal overall health and a more beautiful smile. Please feel free to visit the office to learn more about how composite fillings can help you! with the help of composite dental fillings designed to eradicate the decay and restore the health of the tooth once more. For optimal overall health, consider removing your amalgam fillings to have a beautiful smile inside and out and a metal-free mouth! Composite fillings are highly effective because they can last up to a decade of use. They are mercury-free, they’re amazingly proficient, they can blend in with your natural smile, and are great for fixing small cavities. Other treatments such as dental amalgams can also be used to fill in cavities, but they do contain mercury and leave behind a possibly unsightly metallic shine. The metal-like filling over time can also cause “blue decay” or leak into the tooth, necessitating further treatment. Keeping WEST MIFFLIN ❘ SPRING 2018 11