IN West Jefferson Hills Winter 2017 | Page 11

ACHD strongly encourages the use of carbon monoxide detectors . They are extremely helpful and can be purchased at most stores that carry home supplies . They can be lifesavers ; however , detectors are no substitute for regular furnace maintenance .
Carbon monoxide poisoning may include any of the following symptoms : headaches , dizziness , weakness , nausea , rapid heartbeat , loss of hearing , blurry vision , vomiting , disorientation , seizures , loss of consciousness , coma , respiratory failure and cardiac arrest . Anyone who believes they are experiencing these symptoms due to carbon monoxide poisoning should leave the premises and immediately call 911 .
Everyone is at risk , but individuals with health problems such as heart or lung diseases , the elderly , infants , children and pregnant women are especially vulnerable .
For a free educational brochure about the dangers of carbon monoxide , visit achd . net / injury / pubs / pdf / CO _ Update . pdf .
Help provide our seniors with a holiday tradition they love ! Simply donate two to three dozen homemade holiday cookies at your local LifeSpan Senior Community Center or Meals on Wheels kitchen no later than Friday , Dec . 15 .
The organization seeks 365 dozen cookies in order to distribute homemade treats to brighten the holidays for area seniors .
To locate a center or kitchen for dropoff , please call 412.464.1300 or visit the website at lifespanpa . org .
The Allegheny County Health Department is offering seasonal flu and high-dose flu immunizations . The vaccines are available at the walk-in immunization clinic located at 425 First Avenue , Pittsburgh , 15219 . Residents should enter the building via Cherry Way and proceed to the fourth floor .
The immunization clinic will be open weekdays from 9 a . m . to 4 p . m ., except for Wednesdays , when the clinic ’ s hours will be 1 to 8 p . m . No appointment is necessary .
Influenza is a highly contagious upper respiratory infection that can cause mild to severe illness and is potentially fatal . Getting an annual flu vaccine is recommended for everyone 6 months of age and older . ACHD will again offer the high-dose vaccine . The high-dose flu vaccine is four times more concentrated than the regular flu shot , and is available only for seniors 65 years of age and older .
“ Getting a flu shot is the first step to combating the flu ,” said Health Department Director Dr . Karen Hacker . “ The flu vaccination is also very important to not only your health , but the health of your loved ones .”
The price of the regular seasonal flu shot for individuals with insurance is $ 26 . The high-dose flu shot price is $ 52 .
The flu vaccine is often a covered benefit and you can receive the flu shot for free at many locations around the county ; however , ACHD reminds residents to make sure to check with their insurance provider prior to getting the flu shot .
At a later date , a limited supply of flu vaccine will be available , at no cost , to uninsured and underinsured residents of Allegheny County . Please call 412.578.8060 for the most up-to-date information about this program .
For more information on influenza , visit achd . net / flu . ■
West Jefferson Hills | Winter 2017 | icmags . com 9