IN West Jefferson Hills Fall 2017 | Page 44


Mr . Matthew Patterson Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Education est Jefferson Hills WEST JEFFERSON HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICT NEWS

Welcome to the 2017-2018 school year and a new beginning in the West Jefferson Hills School District . I would like to thank the community for the warm welcome my family and I have received since arriving and I look forward to meeting more proud parents and community members of this school district . It is truly an honor and pleasure to serve this community and I believe the best is yet to come .

There has been no more of an exciting time in education than the present , and we have many new learning initiatives planned to enhance student growth and achievement . Much research has been conducted and published from which we can learn how to better serve our primary stakeholders - children . In a world filled with choices from specialized health care to made-to-order fast food , the time for personalized learning is at hand . Much like healthcare where we receive treatment for what ails us rather than a “ one-size fits all ” approach , personalized learning recognizes and values the individuality each child brings to the classrooms and expects a year ’ s worth of growth for a year ’ s worth of input . Moving forward , the goal of our program at West Jefferson Hills School District is to create individualized pathways of learning so that each child reaches their fullest potential in a system of education that is supportive and nurturing to their unique needs .
Benchmarking is an important tool in establishing the “ ground floor ” for learning and is a vital component to personalized learning . Benchmarking simply means knowing where students enter our system academically and provides a point of reference in order to gauge the impact of teaching and learning . Think of it this way : My physician takes my blood pressure at the beginning of each visit ( benchmark 1 ). She then prescribes a course of treatment unique to me , not to the average , middle-aged male . Following a period of treatment , she evaluates my progress ( benchmark 2 ) and adjusts my treatment plan accordingly in order for me to reach my goal of an ideal blood pressure . Benchmarking in education works in a very similar manner . We are about to embark on a consistent K-8 system of benchmarking that will provide teachers , students and parents with important information about how well children are growing . Additionally , benchmarking will allow teachers to “ prescribe ” a customized educational program designed to meet the unique learning needs of each child . Throughout the course of the year , we will be providing you with important and valuable information regarding the growth in learning for your child . While this approach may represent a shift in thinking , education itself has shifted and every child deserves to experience growth no matter what level they enter our system .
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The results of the stakeholder surveys indicated several themes , but most notably , consistency in programming . At the present moment , two children in the same elementary school may each have vastly different learning experiences . Additionally , disparities in programming exist among each of the elementary schools . The administrative team acknowledges these differences and has already begun developing a plan for bringing about greater equity so that every child in the West Jefferson Hills School District receives a similar learning experience . Perhaps the children said it best in the surveys ; they want more ! From STEAM ( Science , Technology , Engineering , Art , Math ) to small group learning , we must place significant value on their feedback as part of our improvement process and work diligently to respond accordingly .
With a focused effort on personalized learning , the thoughtful use of technology plays a critical role . Our plan includes a “ prescription ” for learning for every child based on the results of their benchmarking assessments . Using the online program Study Island , children will be able to customize their learning experience anywhere , anytime . Parents will be provided with easy-access , online resources to help their child no matter where they may begin . Perhaps the greatest advantage for parents is to be able to receive valuable information about how their child ’ s progress compares to others in the District and across Pennsylvania along with specific areas parents can help their child grow . As a Study Island parent myself , I appreciate knowing the exact learning needs of my children and how I could best support their growth at home .
The concept of personalized learning described thus far only begins to scratch the surface of what is possible for our students . With a laser-like focus on growth for every child , change is necessary . Your support for this change is critical if we are to truly create a unique learning experience for each child . Every child matters ; from the high-achieving student needing to be challenged to the struggling learner needing additional time , we must recognize these differences and stand ready to adjust our teaching methodologies .
I want to thank you in advance for your support and cooperation . Anticipate change throughout the year as we learn and grow as adults in the pursuit of improvement for every single one of our 2,986 scholars . Children deserve the very best and that is exactly what we intend to deliver through a personalized and caring educational experience here in the West Jefferson Hills School District .