In the Works - Community Newsletter In the Works September 2017 | Page 34

Home Sweep Home Longtime Portola resident Mike Goff spends his weekday mornings giving back to the feels-like-a- small-town neighborhood he’s called home for more than five decades. and other trash that sullies the urban landscape. Goff can be found sweeping litter from the sidewalk, cleaning tree basins and helping troubleshoot graffiti vandalism and broken street furniture along San Bruno Avenue, the Portola neighborhood’s main commercial corridor, between Silver Avenue and Wayland Street, on the southeast side of town. He began his stint with Public Works about 10 years ago. Prior to that, he cultivated his passion for serving his community at the San Francisco League of Urban Gardeners, better known as SLUG. The local nonprofit teaches residents the importance of community gardens and open space maintenance, while providing workforce development opportunities for people with little job experience. Bright and early Tuesday through Friday, the Public Works employee puts on his safety vest and grabs a broom and trash can and heads to work where he helps maintain the cleanliness and safety of sidewalks fronting many local homes and businesses. He scoops up discarded coffee cups, apple cores, wind-blown newspapers, cigarette butts He waves to the merchants and the bus drivers. Neighborhood regulars give him a friendly nod hello. Next time you’re strolling through your neighborhood’s commercial districts, stop and get to know the dedicated men and women who wake up every day to keep our City looking great. Everyone has a story to tell – it's just a matter of who’s going to stop and listen.