In the Works - Community Newsletter February 2017 | Page 18

Putting SF Residents and Businesses to Work

Build locally .
One of Public Works ’ strategic objectives is to increase work opportunities for San Francisco residents and businesses .
Our work to restore and make the War Memorial Veterans Building more resilient proved that we are up to that task .
According to the Contract Monitoring Division , the arm of City government that tracks local business goals , Public Works exceeded our target for hiring small , local companies to work on the project . The monitor established that we were to use Local Business Enterprisecertified firms for 18 percent of the contract amount . But by the close-out of the project , we had paid $ 43,735,216 to small local contractors for a participation rate of 33.11 percent – nearly double the goal .
Twenty-six small firms helped restore the historic building . They created custom hardware , did carpentry , roofing , waterproofing , plumbing , glazing , stone repair and performed many other tasks .