The icons the students developed were intended to capture a personal view of the city. Students took a broad interpretation of icon and produced designs ranging from expressive wordmarks to patterns and illustrations. Tyler Madill Graphic Design | 2014 CPH CPH PH C CPH CPH PH C C PH PH C C CPH PH C C CPH PH PH C C CPH PH C CPH CPH PH C CPH CPH CPH PH C PH PH C C CPH CPH CPH CPH CPH CPH Georges created an icon that captured the importance of the bicycle, the royal crown and the airport code for the city. The icon alone has a simple sophistication but comes to life when transformed into a mesmerizing pattern. Natalie’s design captured the graphic patterning of the overhead eletrical wires and the simple elegance of the public streetlights. CPH CPH CPH CPH PH CPH CPH CPH CPH CPH CPH CPH PH CPH CPH CPH CPH PH PH CPH PH PH C C PH CPH C C CPH CPH PH PH CPH CPH CPH CPH C C CPH PH CPH CPH CPH C CPH CPH C CPH PH CPH CPH CPH CPH C PH CPH CPH PH PH C CPH CPH C C CPH CPH CPH CPH CPH CPH CPH CPH Georges Sarkis Graphic Design | 2014 PH PH CPH CPH C C CPH Erik was struck by the rows of colourful houses that line the Nyhavn neighbourhood. To him, they have a playful and almost toy-like quality. CPH CPH Erik Bratsberg Graphic Design | 2014 The incredible cycling culture was eye-opening for all the students. Tyler decided to base his icon on the rows and rows of bikes that line the sidewalks. In Copenhagen, the bikes do not lock to a rack but rather, self-lock. This allows them to rest in rows on kickstands… unless they fall over. Natalie Telentso Graphic Design | 2015 CPH CPH 24  JANUARY 2015 | IN PRODUCTION Photography | Parham Didehvar | Graphic Design 2014 ISSUE 01 | IN PRODUCTION 25