Orientation | KEA | 13.10.2014 KEA is modern and attractive. The school was a great host and provided most of our meals during the five working days. Providing breakfast was a great lure to get our jet-lagged selves out of bed and to KEA. Brainstorming | KEA | 13.10.2014 We settled into our room and took turns introducing ourselves, describing our skills and what role we could play. We were all a bit shy to start, but after discussing some ideas, things loosened up and started rolling. GETTING DOWN TO BUSINESS Group and Site Posting | KEA | 13.10.2014 14  JANUARY 2015 | IN PRODUCTION The day began with a presentation that gave us details about the charrette. Once oriented, everyone was anxious to find out who was in their group and what project site they were assigned. A crowd formed around the posting on the wall that announced the groups and project sites. My team, team 6, later adopted the name Trolde (trolls). ISSUE 01 | IN PRODUCTION 15