IN Millcreek Fall 2017 | Page 65

INDUSTRY INSIGHT RETIREMENT COMMUNITY LIVING SPONSORED CONTENT CONTINUAL LEARNING is Key to a HEALTHY BRAIN M ost of us celebrated putting our school days behind us, but putting the books away for good is nothing to celebrate. Learning new things is critical to our brain’s health. And the social interaction we get when we join with others to learn a new skill, craft or idea is critical to our brain health, too. At Springhill Senior Living Community in Erie, residents keep their minds sharp through the Great Courses program, where they attend “virtual” lectures by some of the country’s most acclaimed professors and experts. And they do their best to follow these important steps for keeping your mind bright: 1. Think! As we mature, our brains master many tasks. We have to think of creative ways to surprise our brain. For this reason, change is vital to brain health. Change your routines, change your environment, make new friends, have different conversations, listen to different music, try new foods, etc. Stimulate your brain with lots of new, refreshing information. Read articles, visit museums, study a new topic or take up a new hobby. 2. Be Healthy! Experts agree that aerobic exercise has the greatest benefit in terms of helping your brain stay young. Encourage important blood flow to the brain by doing at least 2½ hours of moderate aerobic activity, such as brisk walking, each week. A Mayo Clinic study of sedentary adults found that those who exercised five to six times a week reduced their risk of mild cognitive impairment by 32 percent. Keep those arteries—in your heart and your brain—from getting stiff and clogged by eating plenty of fruits, veggies and whole grains. Round it out with lean proteins and avoid white flour and sweets. 3. Be Happy! Our brains are designed to interact with others and crave social stimulation. When we are happy our brains are happy. When we are stressed or depressed the brain releases a chemical called cortisol. Cortisol can be useful for alertness and concentration, but when it lingers it attacks the cells in our hippocampus, where memories are formed. Getting plenty of sleep is part of this equation also. Sleep is important for relaxing Relax, Rewind, Renew M ake time for you and relax! Learn about ways to relax and be well in your daily life. Karen Ducato, local fitness and wellness expert, has many fun and unique ways to help improve and maintain your body’s well-being on a daily basis. You will leave with many helpful hints and routines to incorporate into your life. She also works with natural oils and will have them on hand to educate about their different uses and benefits. We will give away a relaxation basket at the conclusion of the event. Healthy food and refreshments will be available for your enjoyment. Come relax with us and enjoy! Thursday, August 24 1:00-3:00 p.m. Call 814.860.7042 to reserve your seat today. and renewing our minds. So meet some buddies, have a laugh, don’t sweat the big stuff and get plenty of shut-eye! Learn more about Springhill Senior Living, its programs, events and residents by visiting 2323 Edinboro Road • Erie, PA 16509 Millcreek | Fall 2017 | 63