Important events around my whole Exams Procedures 11/10/2016 | Page 3

Verfasserin: Maricla Kandzorra Draft/ Entwurf Karin Wolff Wikipedia, heutiger Abruf: „1986 (…) bis 1995 als Lehrerin für Geschichte, evangelische Religion und Gemeinschaftskunde an der Edith-Stein-Schule in Darmstadt tätig.“ Karin Wolff vom 04. March 2016: „Wolff: „Zum Aufbau von Forschungsstrukturen an den nunmehrigen Hochschulen für Angewandte Wissenschaften (HAW) stellt die Landesregierung zwischen 2016 und 2020 rund 22,5 Millionen Euro zur Verfügung. Hinzu kommen weitere 2,5 Millionen Euro für das Programm „Forschung für die Praxis“.“ Leif Blum verliert Immunität 22. March 2013: „Der FDP-Landtagsabgeordnete Leif Blum hat nach einem einstimmigen Votum seiner Kollegen seine Immunität verloren. Grüne und Linke fordern den Darmstädter zudem auf, sein Mandat im Landtag niederzulegen. Gegen Blum laufen Steuerermittlungen.“ FR Online vom 07. März 2013: "FDP-Mann Blum droht Strafbefehl“ HR Online vom 11. März 2013: "Blum kandidiert nicht mehr für Landtag“ T-Online vom 28. März 2013: "Abgeordneter Blum soll hohe Geldstrafe zahlen“ 2014 was the most horrible year for Africa but also for me.... Maricla Kandzorra vom 12.02.2016: “2014 was the most horrible year for Africa but also for me....” 2014 happened much more than this but I didn’t recognize the connections of the so different events but which all seem to hit me for creating pressure on my person from different sides at the same time, eg the MH17 (KLM from the Netherlands) brought to fall by Russia ( – I posted short time before that our main subject math course was up to 17 people. The Netherlands were guests with Jesko and me on the Nile Cruise as we travelled with my parents through Egypt. The shortage MH should have stood for Maricla, me, and Heike about whom I also posted several times and who should have been changed in Frankfurt by my id iotic neighbor who wanted to create a connection to me on every cost but who never was allowed by me to stand in contact to me. The original Heike who was meant was a schoolmate of mine who made with me the high school at Darmstadt – she had till last year long peroxide blonde hair (now short peroxide blonde hair) and didn’t make any high school degree but finished the whole high school. She was in May 2014 also present as we made our 20 years jubilee of high school degree ceremony in April 1994. The movie Star Treck Beyond is an overwork of our high school year at Georg-Büchner-Schule Darmstadt – they mixed me with the figure of Heike – but there are much more obvious relations – the movie is about our math class and high school degree. This movie industry stuff is going already for a long time, so that I could take knowledge of it. Because of the too ugly development of the stalks in library where they first started with “cyber”stalks on my laptop without being connected to any internet and without having created a recognizable network