IMAM MAHDI World President | Page 9

The One Being The Absolute . It is all through my ( Imam Mahdi ) films , books , organizations , AL ’ JIHAD Volumes One , Two , and Three by the Law of al ’ Qur-an only .
Reparation In Demand Is THE SOLUTION : Keys to Success Is In Reparation To – IMAM MAHDI , Military , Inc . and AJAAUCOAO in care of Imam Mahdi ( A-19KBS-F ) in demand reparations for Land and Money , Permanent Triple Citizenship ( Land-Enslaved-You , Land-Of-Origin , and Land-Of-Religion-Shrine ), Permanent Voting Rights ( PVR ) under the Voting Rights Act ( VRA ) of 1965 USC , and world citizenship under human rights .
$ 87 Billion times ( X ) 19 From Each Geographical Area That Participated In The So-called Indian / Black Americans ( Native Mujahidun Moorish - Shackled Slaves ) And The So-called Black Nigger Americans ( Mujahidun Nubian - Shackled Slaves ) Weak Slave Trade ! It Is Not A Compromise ! It is a demand from IMAM MAHDI , Military , Inc . and AJAAUCOAO by Imam Mahdi forward to United States of America , All so-called African Countries including Arabian Peninsula territories ( Saudi Arabia , etc .) who sold Us into slavery , and the European countries who implemented slavery : See Exhibit – A , the Book ; “ AL ’ JIHAD ” or “ Imam Mahdi Is Now Implementing Al ’ Jihad World Wide ” is a 720 plus pages .
And last , the 13 th and 14 th Amendments reconfirms slavery and that United States of America government will not pay debts to slaves and their descendants ( no reparations ). AJAAUCOAO is the only way for so-call Black African American slave descendants and Reparations from USA and the world at large of oppression .
The media is the quiet revolution . AL ’ JAAUCOA-O ABD ’ UL ’ BAQI Medium Productions , Inc . ( profit organization ) and AL ’ JAAUCOA-O Masjid Jihad Allahu Akbar , ( non-profit organization ) are Human Factors Division and Technology World-wide Developmental Division and a few of the Entities below in AJAAUCOAO Nineteen Kinetical Behaviorism Sciences – Formula ( A-19KBS-F ) by the Law ( al ’ Shariah ) of Allah ( swt ) al ’ Qur-an in the Absolute Solution for all of genekind ( beastman , mankind , human , and man ):
IV . Allah ( swt ) Revolutionary Message through the vessel of His messenger and / or AJAAUCOAO
is : “( الله لا إ ل ه إ لآ ه و الحى القيوم ) Allah , La Ilaha illa Huwa al ’ Hayu al ’ Qayumu and / or Allah , ( there is ) no god but He , the Ever-living , the Self-subsisting , by Whom all subsist ” ( al ’ Qur-an 3:2 ). We hear , obey , and understand only by the Law ( al ’ Shariah ) of Allah ( swt ) al ’ Qur-an .
I always wanted to know why the majority of prisoners are so-called Black people in United States of America . Now , I know ! It is because whatever the arresting officer says it is held in the court of law as true ; even when the officer statements are false . The Defendant must file a Claim against the Officer and challenge him in the Court of Law . However , most Defendants do not have the time nor money to see the case to the end , so they Plea Bargain with a less of charge . The United States of America government does not work . Allah is actively destroying America right before your eyes . AJAAUCOAO is your only soul salvation .
I , Imam Mahdi , reiterate the fact due to the United States of America Constitution 14 th Amendment Section 4 leaves the US Constitution a worthless piece of document of oppression . A so-called Black African American president who served between the years of 2008 to 2016 did not abolish the 14 th Amendment . So-called native Black African American and Native Indian Americans hatred is deep against you from those who live in America and around the world . Only you Native Americans and Slave Descendants have the right to North America natural resources and to govern in America and on the so-called continent of so-called Africa and the Middle East in which you come from .
Page 9 of 20 : IMAM MAHDI * Cheraw , South Carolina * A-IPNA ( Islam Authoritarian )