IMAM MAHDI World President | Page 11

in America birth right . The time is now her for the world salvation and the complete destruction of polytheism and oppression . Imam Mahdi is to be United States of America ( USA ) and United Nation ( UN ) world president , if it is salvation that you strive . Imam Mahdi and his Entities cannot be defeated ; no competitor :
AJAAUCOAO Islam Political Nation Agency ( A-IPNA ): The World [ s ] Architectural Social Structure ( Islam Authoritarian Government )
An AJAAUCOAO valid member is one who freely and willingly accepts ( no compulsion ) The Supreme Power of THE GOD - ALLAH by the Criterion of al ’ Qur-an and strives to organize his life in total accord with the teachings of Allah in His religion Islam . An AL ’ JAAUCOA-O / ALJAAUCOAO / AJAAUCOAO is a member who works building social institutions which reflect The Guidance of Allah , that which establish the member as a Mu ’ minum Muslimun Mujahidun ( Believing Muslim Holy-War- Struggler ). All Mujahidun ( s ) are free ( without slavery or bondage ) because of the worship of The Oneness of Allah in His religion Islam and accepts every law in the Quran ( al ’ Qur-an ). There is no other Salvation available with Valid-truth on earth , other than AJAAUCOAO entities of Soul Salvation :
1 . IMAM MAHDI Islam La ’ Riba Exchange , LLC . ( Profitable Corporation ). Soon to be
available .
2 . IMAM MAHDI , Military , Inc . ( Non-profitable Corporation ) Established on May 28 , 2013 . Available .
3 . AJAAUCOAO Islam Native Descendant Indians American Nation ( INDIAN ), or AJAAUCOAO INDIAN ( Non-profitable Corporation ) Established on February 6 , 2012 . Available .
4 . AL ’ JAAUCOA-O Masjid Jihad Allahu Akbar , ( Non-profitable Corporation ) Established on July 13 and 14 , 1993 . Available .
5 . AL ’ JAAUCOA-O ABD ’ UL ’ BAQI Medium Productions , Inc . ( Profitable C- Corporation ) Established on October 9 th , 1997 . Available .
6 . AJAAUCOAO Islam Political Nation Agency ( A-IPNA ) ( Non-profitable Corporation ) Established on May 26 th , 2011 . Available .
7 . AJAAUCOAO Masjid Jihad Allah Akbar , ( Non-profitable Corporation ) Established on May 26th , 2011 . Available .
8 . AJAAUCOAO Islam Extreme Holyland Security Agency , LLC . ( IEHSA ) ( Profitable C-Corporation ) Established on July 7-11 , 2011 . Available .
Page 11 of 20 : IMAM MAHDI * Cheraw , South Carolina * A-IPNA ( Islam Authoritarian )