IMAGINE MAGAZINE FALL 2016 Peace and the Environment | Page 14

I am speaking of the life of a man who knows that the world is not given by his father , but borrowed from his children ; who has undertaken to cherish it and to do no damage , not because he is duty-bound , but because he loves the world and loves his children .
- Wendell Berry

Nature ’ s Child

by Michelle Easson
No one becomes an environmental activist or champion of an environmental cause who has not first experienced a special affinity with a living creature or been captivated by the unique beauty and mystery of some wild place or space , however near or far from home . When we experience nature early in life and often , we come to an understanding of the true depth of our interconnectedness and the realization that the fate of the natural environment is indistinguishable from our own .
Perhaps the most important thing we can do to ensure the protection and wellbeing of the natural environment is to introduce our children to nature when they are very young . Little else compares with nature in its ability to spark our curiosity and