IMAGE Spotlight June 2014 | Page 5



Whitemarsh selects....

Their entire MRI team: Linda Picarello, Kaycie Whitt, Kristie Dawson, Grace Van, Andrea Willis, Jennifer Kline, Casey Schmitz, and Eric Pool.

As a team, they have done a fantastic job with keeping the patient flow going while under construction: working in rain, sleet, and snow on the mobile MRI unit, learning a brand new piece of equipment, training downtown, and scanning new protocol. They were also showcased for our open house, and did a fantastic job showing off their skills, knowledge, and beautiful new 3T unit.

Breast Imaging selects....

Jeannette Miller

When I think of employee recognition the person that pops up in my mind is Jeannette Miller. She has been a long time employee of the JH family, there is no job too big or too small for Jean. She is a team player, willing and eager to help others whenever help is needed. If she sees someone with a difficult patient, she is there, if you need something done she is the first to volunteer. Jean is truly a role model for OUTSTANDING CUSTOMER SERVICE AND WHAT THE IDEAL MODEL EMPLOYEE SHOULD BE. She is a manager’s ideal employee. She excels in customer service and is always there to assist the lost patient, she thinks of others before herself. Jeannette Miller has been the recipient of the Baker King award twice.