I'm Here With Magazine Issue 1 | Page 74

I'm Here With Magazine

Kenn Junya

Where did you grow up and what was your life like?

I grew up in Houston, Texas. It's a land where you learn from a young age how to do for yourself and be a boss. In the city you have all kinds of people doing many different professions and making it happen.

What did you want to do as a kid for a career?

I had hoop dreams.. I wanted to be Michael Jordan up until about 10th grade.

When did you get into music as a passion and profession?

I was recording music before creating magazines. Music is my first love.

What do you want to achieve in your life?

I want to continue to run a successful brand, build a few hotels and live a quite life. I want to leave a legacy of working hard and achieving what you want.

When did you start your magazine Alwayz Therro?

July 2009, I will never forget.

How did you make it happen and create a strong band, being in the magazine business?

I think the best business is a business that just happens. People love the brand and it sells itself. I thank God for a brand that grasp your attention and make you want more.

What's a typical day in life for you?

It’s very consistent. Wake look over the business dealings with the magazine, maintain the hotels and try to enjoy a normal life with good food and entertainment.

What is your sign?


What has been your favorite issue you have put out?

How about I tell you my favorite month to release the magazine? I love July. It's the month everything started. So its like starting all over again and I immediately get the feeling of when we released the first issue.

How can people find you on social media?


You are a sharp dressed young business man, what would you say your style is in and out of work.

My best friend is a suit. I have many. Catch me any day in a suit.

What do you think about how a ton of sexy ladies are always submitting to your magazine, what is it you respect and makes you want to promote someone.



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